Psalm Twenty-Three

Psalm Twenty-Three, a scripture of profound significance, is widely acknowledged as one of the most revered passages in the Bible. Despite the emergence of numerous translations in recent decades, the Old King James Version continues to hold a cherished place in the hearts of countless believers. Its thundering diction and distinct structure make it so.Around... Continue Reading →

War of Words

This was initially posted in 2020. That is still true today. LORD, help me retain and wisely “publish” my reasoned, passionate beliefs, resisting the temptation to ruin the reputation or relationship of a person or entity with whom I passionately disagree. I cannot do this in my own strength because I find it nearly impossible... Continue Reading →

Rip Van Winkled

Am I awake, or do I dream;And has life started anew?Box ajar, broken a seam;How will I know what to do! The story of Rip Van Winkle capsulized my quandary during a difficult life challege. Photo courtesy of House of Themes. When life’s continuity is interrupted or destroyed, a choice emerges to embrace new possibilities... Continue Reading →

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